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Case Studies

OneBeat is market leader in transformational change with a proven record in delivering better bottom line performance to clients in a variety of categories. OneBeat leaders have delivered services to both the public and private sectors in New Zealand and Australia. 

Major Australasian financial institution
Delivered an Appreciative Inquiry programme to build remarkable customer service. 600 ideas were distilled into 30 practical initiatives. 

Maritime New Zealand
Applied Appreciative Inquiry across a change management programme for a new operator safety system for New Zealand maritime operations. 
Government agency
United 150 project staff and stakeholders in agreement on initiatives required to build a cohesive team to successfully deliver a new governmental programme. 

Leading insurer 
Introduced a new product programme through a newly-formed team requiring agreement on initiatives and a high level of staff involvement for the successful implementation of the initiatives. 
State Owned Enterprise
Integrated a project team, staff and stakeholders in agreement on how to deliver the successful implementation of a major IT solution rollout and ensured successful completion. 
Ministry for Primary Industries
Applied Appreciative Inquiry to assist the establishment of a new National Food Safety Science and Research Centre, involving government, industry, science and research providers. 
Brought together the latent strengths of the organisation under the uniting theme of “The company of loyal, passionate and creative people”. Realized four major initiatives for staff-led company growth.
Energy Management Association of New Zealand
Integrated a wide range of stakeholders throughout the energy management industry to build a seamless “inspirational, self-sustaining, united energy management industry in New Zealand”.
Major law firm board
Worked with the board and divisional leaders to act cohesively to lift performance across the business and to affect a transformation in the firm's culture and results.
Leading tertiary education institute
Led an Appreciative Inquiry incubator workshop for managers and staff to define the workforce of the future and implement agreed initiatives.
Energy company
Generated hundreds of creative ideas resulting in five bold initiatives to help grow the company toward its goal for an “exciting world-class future”. 
Government ministry
Worked with a ministry and one of its major suppliers to help achieve mutual objectives. Agreement was reached by all staff and stakeholders on a suite of initiatives implemented across both organisations.
Merger of government agencies
New programmes were designed by newly-integrated teams following merger. Programmes required support from other stakeholders and service providers for successful implementation.

International Appreciative Inquiry case studies include -

  • Creating a “merger of strengths” where two four-billion dollar companies used Appreciative Inquiry to realise cost savings
  • A major food company used Appreciative Inquiry to manage strategic planning to lift earnings
  • Fortune 500 telco won “best organisational change program in the US” for its application of Appreciative Inquiry to improving union-management relations 
  • United Nations Global Compact selected Appreciative Inquiry as their summit methodology to achieve huge momentum for growth. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan praised the Appreciative Inquiry process
  • A crippled defence program used Appreciative Inquiry for strategic planning and transformation to a team-based culture  
  • A major medical centre redesigned their patient transfer processes using Appreciative Inquiry to lift patient and staff satisfaction scores    
Details on any of these case studies can be provided on request. Contact us.

Our Affiliations

p6 The OneBeat team has had a strong working relationship with Case Western Reserve University over the last five years. Where appropriate, OneBeat works with Case Western Reserve University, David Cooperrider and Ron Fry.

Contact Us

p-call Australia: +61 426 624 504
New Zealand: +64 21 249 4504