Our mission is to provide unique and proven transformational services to medium to large organisations that want to improve their business outcomes. OneBeat enables better bottom line performance by turning staff and stakeholders into strategic assets. OneBeat achieves this through the Appreciative Inquiry process, a proven international system highly effective in transformational change.
OneBeat provides an ongoing service that typically starts with Appreciative Inquiry incubator workshops where staff are motivated, involved and contributory.
This is the launch pad for action, improving performance and transformational change. We ensure momentum is maintained and that the change is well implemented. OneBeat produces management metrics to show before-and-after measurements as staff progress voluntarily from their current state to a future state where they become active advocates and participants in helping deliver organisational goals. OneBeat can also provide continuing involvement to manage essential refresher sessions with existing staff and to bring new staff on board as they arrive.
Why does it work?
OneBeat bases its service on a unique combination of five transformational factors that are always, repeat always, successful in energising staff -
1. Inclusiveness
Managers give full licence to staff to contribute to and create the vision. This way everyone has a voice. This way everyone owns the vision.
2. Clarity
Sharing a clear purpose and reason for being. Clearly defining the ultimate goal, getting clarity on how this will be achieved, showing how everyone has a role in the goal.
3. Strengths
Basing all thinking and contribution on individual and organisational strengths. Not just fixing things, but building on strengths that exist.
4. Energy
Passion is everything. OneBeat interface with staff is contagious, inspiring and motivational. Its success lies in providing staff not only with the vision but with the will to achieve it.
5. Engagement
Everyone has a role, everyone has a voice. Universal engagement builds commitment that leads to achievement.
“The staff’s reaction was wow, the future of the company belongs to me – so they’re directly involved in building their own future”. Manager, market-leader Australasian bank.
OneBeat in Action
The bottom line of all of this? Better performance that’s measurable.
What's different about our approach?
Many things are different about OneBeat. Our people, our commercial experience, our passion for what we do, our single-minded focus on client goals. From a staff and client management perspective, one major difference with OneBeat is we take a strengths-based approach through Appreciative Inquiry. Simply put, this focuses on what the client organisation is doing right and then builds on these strengths to energise and engage staff, to form them into cohesive teams that focus on the future instead of rehashing problems from the past.
What is singularly powerful about this different approach is that it aligns the future of individual staff with the future of the company and thus gains staff support in achieving organisational goals.
OneBeat first discovers the strengths of the "whole system". OneBeat starts with an incubator workshop approach that’s fast, powerful and effective. This can involve management and staff, suppliers, customers and other key stakeholders. It releases ideas from right across the organisation and its stakeholders and builds involvement, ownership and commitment throughout the business streams.
With our clients we work through a simple process to achieve the outcome of better bottom line performance.
"The OneBeat experience was a sea change for us. We went, almost overnight, from operating as disparate teams with different agendas to a much more cohesive and joined-up approach”. Manager, leading government department.
Our Services
Our primary service is that of client transformation and change, involving staff and stakeholders. There is a focus on staff embracing a shift from valuable employees to valuable strategic assets, staff who become united in their achievement of organisational goals. This transformation-and-change service is applicable to any organisation in one or more of the following scenarios –
Setting new strategic direction
Merging or Entering a JV
Commencing or refocusing a major project
Improving customer or community relations
Forming collaborative alliances
Improving culture
Launching a new product or service
Moving into a new market category
Business recovery
Or simply wanting to move up to a new level of performance
The service includes:
Purpose and goal setting with management
Appreciative Inquiry “incubator” workshops
Follow-through of initiatives with management and feedback to staff
Quarterly refreshers for staff to optimise involvement
On-boarding for new staff
Metrics for management to measure investment in the service
Other services are included and these can be identified in an initial discussion.