Positive change is a powerful thing for any organisation, any person. First, relax – talkfests built on cliché-laden platitudes focusing on weaknesses and unrealistc goals are not us. Definitely not us! Onebeat looks at people and their businesses quite differently, through positive eyes. Our track record speaks volumes – a coveted history of spectacular results and success. Genuinely motivating, very often life-changing, the OneBeat experience will open your mind. Positively.
OneBeat directors have delivered major change programmes across organisations and teams, Appreciative Inquiry summits, training programmes and been Trusted Advisers to leaders in both in the public and private sectors. Some examples of our recent Appreciative Inquiry work are listed below.
ANZ - OneBeat delivered a two-day Appreciative Inquiry summit on remarkable customer service. Over 600 ideas were distilled into 30 initiatives. Feedback was universally positive. "Our Conference. Our Input. Our Future. Leading ANZ forward. Loved it. Thank you."
Ministry for Primary Industries - OneBeat delivered a two-day Appreciative Inquiry summit for the establishment of a new National Food Safety Science and Research Centre, involving government, industry and science and research providers. Feedback was highly positive - "that was an outrageous success!".
Maritime New Zealand - OneBeat provided change management across a new maritime operator safety system for New Zealand maritime operations. We also delivered Appreciative Inquiry workshops across the organisation, around the theme "One MNZ".
ECOsystems is one of New Zealand’s most recognised energy services companies, a leader and innovator in its field. ECOsystems has picked up numerous awards since its inception in 1995, most recently the 2012 EECA national SME business award for a supermarket makeover that cut energy use by 40%, setting the standard for the supermarket sector. Our OneBeat directors were pleased to have the opportunity to deliver an Appreciative Inquiry summit for ECOsystems, bringing together the considerable expertise and experience of almost every person in the firm. The summit was focused on the topic “ECOsystems - the company of loyal, passionate and creative people”. The summit was successful in stimulating creative visions of the future and many ideas (some that had not been even thought of before). Out of all of the ideas, four major initiatives were constructed to help achieve ECOsystems’ vision, with unanimous support from across the organisation. Executive Director of ECOsystems, Frans Plugge, was pleased with the outcome saying: “This was a great occasion to get staff and directors working together to identify the issues, that we all felt, were most important to make ECOsystems the place where we love to work, and have the opportunity to fully engage our passions and creativity.”
One Beat delivered a summit over two days for the Energy Management Association of New Zealand (EMANZ) annual conference. This summit involved a wide range of stakeholders throughout the energy management industry, from business owners through to government agencies, coming together the objective of building an “inspirational, self-sustaining, energy management industry in New Zealand.” The summit engendered a real sense of passion and possibility for the future, culminating in eleven broad initiatives - five of which are being taken forward as immediate or high priority. EMANZ Executive Director, Ewan Gebbie said “Terry did a fantastic job of getting our workshop attendees to think in a way that produced both grandiose, and yet practical ideas. He then facilitated the crystallization of those ideas into a wonderful starting point for our industry to build an audacious but coherent plan for growth”
One Beat delivered a series of workshops for a Government agency. The workshops focused on innovation across the organisation, from an organisation-wide workshop involving 150+ people from throughout the organisation and industry through to project-specific workshops. One such AI workshop workshop focused on the delivery of the organisation’s largest programme of work that impacted across the whole industry. It brought together project team members and stakeholders from throughout the organisation to agree on initiatives to build an energised team and successfully deliver the programme. Over 200 ideas were distilled into seven broad initiatives that the organisation agreed to take forward and implement.
The programme manager said "the workshop was a sea change for us. We went, almost overnight, from operating as disparate teams with different agendas to a much more cohesive and joined up approach. It was the "shot in the arm" we all needed - we haven’t looked back since."
One Beat delivered an AI workshop for an insurer that brought together a newly-formed team about to embark on the delivery of a major programme for the organisation. The objective of the workshop was to build an energised team and agree initiatives to ensure the success of the programme. The team agreed six broad initiatives and each member was involved in the implementation of the initiatives.
An AI workshop for a State Owned Enterprise brought together a project team, staff representatives from throughout the organisation, and representatives of the project service provider to define and agree how to deliver a successful implementation of a major IT solution rollout. The workshop resulted in unanimous agreement on what was required to ensure a highly successful implementation and these initiatives are now being implemented across the organisation.
An AI workshop was delivered for a major law firm board and division leaders to act with cohesion to achieve best possible results. This resulted in a transformation in the firm's culture and results.
An AI summit was delivered for an energy company on the topic “an exciting, world-class future” to help plan the future direction of the company. Run over two days, the summit drew the entire company together from around the country. The summit generated hundreds of creative ideas that, through the AI process, resulted in five bold initiatives (each with several sub-components) that will help grow and transform the company and achieve an exciting world-class future. These initiatives are supported and delivered by staff from throughout the organisation.
AI workshops were delivered a Government ministry and one of its major suppliers to help achieve their mutual outcomes. These workshops were attended by a cross-section of staff from across both organisations. Agreement was reached on a suite of initiatives that are designed to deliver the desired outcomes, and these are being implemented with input from stakeholders in both organisations
An AI summit was convened for a newly-integrated team following the merger of units of two government agencies. The purpose of the summit was to design new programmes that the newly-integrated team would roll-out. The summit brought together staff from the integrated team and a wide array of industry stakeholders and service providers. The AI summit was successful in designing four new programmes with the support of the stakeholders. Post-summit assistance was given to help implement the programmes and three of the four programmes have now been successfully implemented and are up and running in the market, with the fourth in progress.
International Appreciative Inquiry Case studies
- Two four-billion dollar companies used AI to create a “merger of strengths” realising $75 million in synergies in the first 100 days, and an estimated $300million in synergy savings in the first year.
- A major food company used the AI approach for its strategic planning – bringing over 1,000 company associates together in a series of summits to design the plan. A year later the company reported a record 300% increase in earnings, a 75% decrease in absenteeism, and was later recognised as one of the top 100 best places to work.
- A Fortune 500 telecommunications company wins the ASTD Award for “best organisational change programme in the US” for its application of AI to improving union-management relations and for using AI methods to re-write the contract. Estimates place the value of the initiative in the millions of dollars, saving the company thousands of jobs and securing a stronger competitive positioning in the field.
- The United Nations Global Compact held a world summit – the largest of its kind – between 500 business leaders and the UN, and they selected Appreciative Inquiry as the summit methodology. The summit ignited a huge momentum for growth: by 2007 over 2,000 more corporations joined in the Global Compact’s mission – doubling its size. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan praised the AI process and said it would not have been possible to achieve the results or the large scale impact without AI.
- A crippled defence programme was over budget, behind schedule, and facing cancellation. Relationships between employees and customers were at an all-time low. AI approaches were implemented for strategic planning and transformation to a team-based culture. Within five years the programme became the “cash cow” of the largest aerospace company in the world. It won the Malcolm Baldridge Quality Award twice and the product was referred to as “a national treasure”.
- A major medical centre redesigned their patient transfer processes using AI methods. Within the first six months they experienced double-digit improvements in patient satisfaction and employee satisfaction, a 170% increase in skin assessments, 81% improvement in medication administration records, and a 60% increase in the number of patients able to be transported without a cardiac monitor - with dramatic cost savings.